Monday, June 22, 2009

First things "baby"

Thanks to Grandma Gribnau and Jeff's parents, Barbara & Ronnie, we made our first purchases for the baby this weekend!
The Bassinet:

The high chair:

This one is awesome! It is 4 chairs in 1... A high chair, Toddler seat, Booster seat, and Feeder seat. I love love love it! We will be able to use it throughout the child's growth and you can use it for 2 kids at some point. I highly recommend it so far!

Time to start planning the nursery....


Kendall and Brooks said...

I can't WAIT to see what you do for the nursery! I bet it is going to be awesome! Are ya'll planning on finding out the gender?

Suzie Home-Maker said...

no we don't want to know... I am going to do something neutral as far as "themes" go... It is so hard to pick furniture and stuff; it is all so cute!

Stori said...

Very sweet! I wish I knew what a toddler and feeder seat were though, and you can use it for two kids... sounds cool but very space agey. :)