Sunday, September 27, 2009

I've Moved!

As you read in my previous post, I have really been wanting to make a new blog and start over. I am still keeping all of my posts from "Texas Lady Spilling the Beans" ... but it just really needed a makeover.
I have moved to
I hope you still want to follow me and read my postings. It will be pretty much the same content... a bunch of random tidbits about me and my life as a wife, mom, designer, artist, etc.
I will not be deleting this blog, but I will be spending all of my time there, now.
See you there!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I'm in a Rut...

...A "blog" rut.
I dont like my blog name, address, or layout. I want a makeover and make a move to a different address but I can't think of a good name for myself. I have been given the nickname "Susie Home Maker" by Rachel and it has seemed to stick for about 5 years now. Ironically, that is exactly what I have become this year. Does anyone have any better suggestions for a new name? I am not sure when I will get the time to make the move and design a layout, but it will happen. Until then, I look forward to your ideas! :)

Today's Laugh

I wasn't too sure about the legitimacy of this video until I saw them play it on the news and validated it. It is just too cute!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I Don't Care Who You Are...

This is funny!


AHHHH I'm so excited!
Allyson are headed to Houston today for PINK's Funhouse tour concert.... Here is her music video from her single "Funhouse"

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I know it's hard to see, but every character is on the poster. Even, the ones that have died!
If this poster is true, I really hope that Charlie comes back!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 20

This is the first time in my life that I am excited to watch my belly getting bigger! :)
This weekend I felt a first real kick! I had been feeling "flurries" but now I can really feel some kicking. It is so crazy! I am feeling great; migraines seem to be gone (although I still get the occasional headache).
Now I have to decide if we are going to find out what "Griblet" is... my next ultrasound is a week from today on the 28th.
The nursery is in progress and I painted today. I will be picking up the furniture this Saturday. Piece by piece, it's coming together.

Why Men Are Happier:

Your last name stays put.
The garage is all yours.
Wedding plans take care of themselves.
Chocolate is just another snack.
You can never be pregnant.
You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park.
Car mechanics tell you the truth.
The world is your urinal.
You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky.
You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
Wrinkles add character.
Wedding dress
$5000; Tux rental-$100.
People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them.
New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.
One mood all the time.

Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
You know stuff about tanks.
A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
You can open all your own jars.
You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.

Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.
Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
You almost never have strap problems in public.
You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.
Everything on your face stays its original color.
The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.
You only have to shave your face and neck.

You can play with toys all your life.
One wallet and one pair of shoes -- one color for all seasons..
You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.
You can 'do' your nails with a pocket knife.
You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.

You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes.

Sneak Peak

I just ordered this decal for "Griblet's" room! I am so in love with it! I hope to have the nursery done after next weekend... until then, this is all you get. lol

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's finished!!

Well, almost... I have to send it off to be top stitched and then I can bind it, but here it is:
I hope you like it! It will be up for auction at my church's auction this coming spring (most likely in March)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Little Wann-der"

Stori and Nick are having a baby!!! (I stole the title from her blog since their last name is Wann)
I am so excited to finally be able to say something and post about it! She told me a few weeks ago but I was sworn to secrecy, but now that she has posted on her blog and told everyone, I feel better about talking about it.
God has truly blessed them and I know they have wanted a baby for a long time, so His gift means so much to them! I can't wait to throw her a shower, help decorate her nursery, and do a bunch of baby stuff.
Now that she is preggers, there are three of us (Stori, Elysha, and myself) that are pregnant and only a few weeks apart from each other. She is 9.5 weeks along, doing great, feeling good, and got her first ultrasound done yesterday.I am so jealous because you can actually make out the form of the baby (it's hard to see here, but on the print out it is so clear)! You can see where the eyes will be and the little nubby arms and legs. You can read her blog here if you want to follow her progress.
"Little Wann", "Baby Oriol", and "Griblet" are going to have some pretty awesome play dates! :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Not only is today a historic anomaly but it is also the birthday to 2 very special people in my life! First, My daddy! He is 51 years young today. Being a "Daddy's Girl" I can't say enough about how great he is. I can't wait to celebrate with him this weekend.

(This is a picture of my mom and dad at a church dinner last spring)

Also, Tisha is ___ years old today! lol I have only known her for less than a year, and despite our large age difference ;), we have really become great friends. I can count on her for anything! She is truly blessed with a wonderful beautiful family. I am blessed to have a friend like Tisha!

(This is a picture of us playing in the snow last winter... What a BLAST!)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I love finding new musicians (well, sometimes they are just new to me) but my newest find is Joshua Rabin. Here is one of his great songs:

Cool fact: Apparently the writer based it on John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Stressed at Work?

Here is some comic relief: