Monday, May 11, 2009

Another Blogger!

I got my other sister, Hannah to start blogging, too! :)
You can get to her blog in the left hand column of my blog, titled "Hannah's Habits",
or click here to check it out.


I knew getting married would come with some compromises and learning to live with a boy has really been interesting...
This weekend I made 2 of those compromises that affected the decor of our house.
#1 was Jeff's deer heads were hung on the walls:

#2 This Leather Recliner will be arriving on Thursday:

I can't really complain at all since Jeff has let me take control of the rest of the house, but these were definitely rough.
As far as the deer go, I am lucky to have grown up with a dad that hunts so I am used to this. The dining room was really the only place in the house with a tall enough ceiling for them, though.
The recliner took a lot of shopping. He wanted one of those awful 80's recliners that are about 4 foot wide and super poofy (yes, they are comfortable but as an interior designer in training I can not let one of those pass) but I wanted to get a really pretty designer chair. Long story short, this was our outcome. Not too shabby... Slowly but surely he is going to turn our place into a rustic motif, lol.
He is happy, so that is all that really matters.


The Show "Britain's Got Talent" this season really has some interesting contestants! Check this one out: