Monday, September 22, 2008

Beverly Hills Chihuahua

Ok so I am a little quarky sometimes and like some really goofy movies, but if you understood my obsession with chihuahuas, you would be just as excited about this as me!

(I haven't figured out how to embed a video yet, so copy and paste this link)


here is the furniture we want to get for the house... These pieces are from Potterybarn so we will probably have to do a few at a time, but eventually we hope to get it all.


I finally started packing yesterday. We don't move until the end of October, but I will be gone every weekend before we move, so I thought I better get a jump on everything.
It is weird how fast time goes by. We moved into this apartment in July of '07, which seems like yesterday. I am not particularly attached to this place; I can't wait to get into our house, but it is just crazy how fast our first year of marriage went by. I guess you could technically call this our "first place" (even though I will call our house by that name) so it is a little sentimental. Knowing me, I might cry when we leave.
The house is coming along, and it feels like it will never get done! There are just a few things left before we do the inspection and appraisal. 32 days to go!!

Leah and Timmy Spencer

Leah and Timmy finally got married! We all knew it would happen, it was just a matter of time. Leah was one of the most beautiful brides I have ever seen! She, literally, looked like a vogue model. I think she has another calling in life! Leah and Timmy are one of the most genuine, loving, real, and blessed couples I know. I wish them the best of luck as they enter this life together. I know they will be truly blessed and God has a lot planned for their lives! I love you guys!
Thank you Allyson for giving me these cool layouts! now I might keep up with this more since I can make my blog pretty! :)