Friday, August 28, 2009

Refinish Chair... check!

Another piece marked off my list... Meet "Paige":
I dont think I posted about this back in May when I bought the chair, but here it is:
I bought it at Goodwill when Paige was in town visiting for only $25 (hence the chair's name). I thought it had some potential; It only needed a bit of work on the legs and a new seat made.
The colors are a bit off in the picture, but I painted it white and got some beautiful blue, plum, and gray stripped fabric for the seat and made a pillow out of this beaded coordinating fabric. I absolutely love it! I might have to tackle another piece sometime soon; I love it when a furniture piece has a story to go with it. Here she is today:

Miss me??

Here is what I have been up to lately...
* I have been going crazy while trying to get this place organized and ready for future baby stuff. I have to say that this place is so organized, even I am impressed! lol It is amazing how quickly you can fill up a house! I am officially out of storage space.
* The old office (now nursery) is empty with the exception of the bassinet and the old computer desk (I need this to finish a few things before I get rid of it) It was a sad day when my art table when into the attic. I have not been without it since high school. It was my grandmas and she gave it to me when I started to really get into art. I love that table. It's covered in paint, pen marks, glue, graphite... all parts of projects that I have worked for so many years. Even if I have to get a new one one day, I don't think I could ever get rid of that table.
*I moved the furniture around in the guest room to fit the computer desk. It's a bit more crowded but it works a lot better than I expected.
* After about 10 different ideas on how to decorate the baby room I have finally chosen how I will do it. (I can't tell yet... You will have to wait for before and after pictures) This is my project for October since that is when Ronnie is coming to put up the chair rail.
* Barbara and Ronnie bought us our travel crib. It is going to be great for going to visit the grandparents ;) . It folds up and fits into a small bag that is easy to transport. I have to brag that when it arrived I assumed that Jeff would say "we don't need to put that together yet, we have like 6 months to go still" so, I simply put it off to the side and didn't say a word about it. The next day I was in the nursery doing some stuff and heard him banging around in the living room and when I went to check to see what he was doing, sure enough, he had put the crib together! I was so excited! I know he is excited, too, he just doesn't like to show it in the same way. lol :)
* Jeff's first attempt at beer brewing was a flop :( It actually tasted good but there was less than 1% alcohol when it should have had about 5%. It turned out really pretty and had a nice color, too. We think that the yeast and malt mix had just gone bad since I bought it for him about 3 years ago. It was a sad day when we had to pour it down the drain. He is going to give it another go, though.
* I am finally working on that chair I bought back in May to refinish. I am going to Stori's tonight to get Nick's help cutting the seat. I hope to have before and after pics tonight! (if everything goes as planned)
* Trying to reteach myself AutoCAD... YUCK! I don't know how to express how much I hate that program after being spoiled with Microstation... I am going to have to borrow a book from one of Hannah's friend's to get a refresher. Oh well, I have to make due with what I have right now. I am designing a house for a co-worker of my dad's so I need to get good as the program soon!

* Quilting... I am so excited about my first quilt! I have finished the 36 pinwheel squares that will make up the interior of the quilt (these are just 2 samples of them). My mommy is coming in 2 weeks to help me finish it up. She is an expert quilter so I can't wait to get her advice and spend the week making it with her.
* We added stones around the flower beds in the front of the house. It looks so pretty and manicured! It is going to look really nice when the grass fills in the gaps and gives it that "finished" look.
* My garden has died :( I have not had ANY time to take care of it! I feel awful! I was so excited about it when we planted everything. I think there was a combination of issues going on: It was an EXTREMELY hot and dry summer. I could not water enough to keep up; The only plants that actually produced were the tomatoes and jalapenos. I hate tomatoes and you can use jalapenos on only so many things. I made salsa a few times, but we just didn't eat it quick enough; We were gone every weekend this summer, which meant the weeds were hard to control, too; I may not have as green a thumb as I thought. That will have to be tested next year. I will try it again, but I am going to do different veggies.
* I am seriously considering becoming a Southern Living at Home consultant... (It works a lot like Pampered Chef) A friend, April is one and had me over last night for a party. I can't tell you how much I love the merchandise and I think it would be so much fun to host. Not to mention make a little bit of money on the side on my time!
* I can feel Griblet moving around a bit!! It's very faint and not very often, but it feels like a little flutter, almost like your tummy is rumbling, but it's not that. It's really hard to describe, but I think you know it when you feel it. I also used the microphone that Emily and Jeremy gave me for my birthday to hear Griblet. I couldn't really make out the difference between my heartbeat and his/hers but I could hear thumping which is little kicks and movement. It is so awesome! :)
* Jeff is hosting a Fantasy Football Draft and poker tomorrow so I had to get the house ready for about 15 men... interesting! I plan to leave the house asap and go shopping or something with Allyson. lol
Now that I have filled you all in, It's time for me to get back to work! :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Let folks go

Allyson posted this on her blog and I just can't resist to post it on mine, too. It really hits home and I know everyone has had at least one time where this can apply. You really need to watch this if you want to have a good laugh out of some hurt that you may have experienced in life.

Let Folks Go

Monday, August 17, 2009


I have finally registered for some baby stuff! It was so much fun!
On Sunday, after church, Jeff and I went to Babies-R-Us to start. He loves to be the one in control of the gun. lol
Anyways, I am now registered at Babies-R-Us, Target, and
I have the baby bedding at babysupermall, but now that I have to commit it might change. lol
I need to make a final decision on furniture, then I will be able to commit to the bedding.
Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

So Proud!!

On August 7th Jeff Officially graduated from LSU with his MBA!
It was a lot of time and dedication, but he was a trooper and completed in 2 years by going to class at night after work. Of course, I have to brag that it was not a challenge for him at all; he is so smart, this stuff comes so naturally to him.
I can't be any more proud! He works so hard; he deserves every good thing that is to come his way. I know he is going to go far in life! I love you, babe! :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Still Want A Smart Car???

Not if you're smart....

Below is a picture of a wreck between one of these smart cars and 2 trucks in Jefferson Parish (near New Orleans)

Gribnau Brewery

Jeff has finally decided to dive into making beer. He has been wanting to do this for a long time but with night school and work it just was not possible. I got him his first kit for his birthday about 3 years ago so he had everything he needed to get started. I think he has discovered a hobby that is going to stick around for a while. Not to mention that after all that hard work you get to have beer when your done! lolStirring the Malt

Cooking the Malt

I was in charge of sterilization

Yes, it is sitting in our bathtub.

Jeff loves to check on his beer first thing when he gets home from work. He cracks me up. When he does something, he goes all out. He has already researched how to make other kinds, like a German Lager, wheat beer, and who knows what else. He has plans for the specific beer brewing refrigerator that he wants and how he needs a whole room that he can control the temperature, lighting, etc. for a prime brewing atmosphere. He loves to show me all of the graphs on the rate the yeast is growing and eating the sugar to make the alcohol, and true to his personality, he has researched everything you can about the process of which the malt becomes beer.
I wish I could try it in a few weeks when it's done, but I have a feeling this won't be the last batch of "Gribnau Beer".

Andrea's Baby Shower

Jeff's cousin Aundrea is expecting her second baby in September. Zachary Perryman. Here are a few pictures from the shower:

MAC Owner Wanna-be

The past few weeks have been really stressful! As you can see I have not posted in a while.

I am so frustrated with PC's I could scream! My poor computer was attacked by loads of viruses which, in turn, corrupted my windows files. Every time I tried to get online I would get the dreaded "blue screen" and the computer would shut down. It wouldn't have been that big of a deal to reformat, but there was some software on there that I just could not part with.
When I lost my job, my boss gave me my computer and along with it the Architecture software (Bentley Microstation) that we used in the office. That program is amazing! I was used to using AutoCAD when I began working there, but quickly realized how much AutoCAD lacks in terms of sophistication. The things I could do with that software are only appreciated by those Designer and Architecture geeks out there.
So, to make a long story short, after 2 trips to Best Buy's Geek Squad and speaking to a few computer gurus that I know, my only option was to wipe the computer clean and reformat everything. This meant that I was going to lose Microstation {tear ;( }
At this point, I am going to have to teach myself AutoCAD again; it shouldn't take long, but it is still annoying!
I was able to re-upload every other piece of software that I had (Photoshop included, which is a good thing because I would really be lost without that, too).
It is amazing how emotionally attached you can get to your computers. They really are a reflection of who you are. I know that sounds crazy, but if you think about it, you have your files all organized the way you like them, you have software on there that you love to use, your itunes has your music organized and sorted in playlists that you love, your internet bookmarks reflect the sites you like to visit, all of your login names are remembered on various sites... I could keep going, but it is so true! Once Jeffrey saved the day and finished reformatting the computer on Tuesday night, I had to spend a few hours on Wednesday just getting it back to the way I like it.

I tossed around the idea of giving up the whole PC world and splurging to get myself a MAC, but we just really can't afford it right now. I would have to spend a ton of money, besides on the computer its' self, on getting new software that would be compatable. Maybe one day I can be cool and join the MAC world...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Next Project

I think these are going to be my next project.
They were hanging in the beach house we stayed at in Florida and I thought they were cute. I will have to do them with my own design and twist to them, but they would be adorable over a little bar or in the kitchen somewhere.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Week 13

As you can see I have definitely started to put on that initial weight through the first Trimester. I dont know exactly how much I have gone up, but I am pretty sure it is more than the recommended 5 lbs! lol Oh well, I can lose it later. I need to get back into walking so that I can keep some of the excess off as much as possible to make it easier after the baby comes!
As I begin my second trimester this week, I can finally look in the mirror and see my tummy growing; it actually feels a bit more real to me. Here is what Griblet is up to:
-He/She should weigh between approximately 13 and 20 grams (1/2 and 3/4 ounce) and is approximately 2 1/2 to 3 inches long.
-This week marks the end of the embryonic period. Most of the vital systems are developed now, and baby starts really growing, at times, growing as much as an inch this week.
-He/She can smile and his/her vocal cords are quickly developing, too. He/she looks more and more human as his/her eyes move closer together and the ears are beginning to move to what will be their normal positions.

Thanks to Tisha and Emily I have LOTS of really cute maternity clothes that I have already started wearing. I can still fit into my jeans and shorts but they are definitly getting snug (maybe from all of my excess eating, which never seems to surprise me how much it takes to fill me up!). I love wearing the a-line shirts now though! You can hide a multitude of sins with those! lol