Monday, July 13, 2009

Are you ready for some football??!!...

...Griblet is!
I went to Lubbock this weekend to visit Rachel, my friend and roommate from college, so while I was there I was able to stock up on some Tech gear. Along with a few new t-shirts, and a double T sticker for our future SUV family car, Rachel was so sweet and bought our baby 2 onesies and I got one to go along with them. I made sure to get one for each stage of growth so that he/she will have something "Tech" to wear for a long time.
Of course, Jeff is a bit disgruntled by the fact that our baby is already decked out in red and black, but I was nice and promised him that I would get an aTm one, too. I think I might make one that is half red and half maroon and says something like "product of a split household" on it. I think it would be cute! Anyways, here are the pics:

6 months12 months

18 months